
The Face Behind The Name

Hi I'm Christine, the owner of Dresses and Driftwood. I have always loved fashion. It began when I was 18, landing my ultimate job working, then managing a fashion stall. Back then, my wardrobe was full and my bank account empty!

Fast forward a husband, 3 almost adult children and a career in childcare later and here I am, still busting with that passion for fashion!

How many times have you brought clothes because the assistant told you how AMAZING you look, even when you felt uncomfortable or just not yourself?? I guarantee those clothes are hidden in the back of your wardrobe with their tags still attached!

I've always felt uncomfortable in the skin I’m in so that 3rd party reassurance was always important to me! Was it always the truth??? Definitely NOT!!

DRESSES AND DRIFTWOOD was established with the vision of helping customers feel confident in the clothes they wear! Not just because we Love the clothes on them, BUT because they Love the clothes and wearing our clothes make THEM FEEL great! We want the shopping experience to go way beyond the purchase.

We want our clothes to be worn with confidence, not hidden, never to be seen again!

Dresses and Driftwood is all about You and making you FEEL AMAZING!!


We offer honest reliable service, where you, the customer, is our number 1 priority. Whether it be via our online store or in person....this shopping 'experience' is about you!!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any inquiries click here to contact details…